Now that we’ve settled in and seen our neighborhood (Palermo), we have been venturing out. First stop, downtown (also called the Microcenter) We took the subway which worked quite well. Paid our fare, got on at a designated stop, got off downtown, saw the sites, crossed the widest street in the world, ate empanadas.

Next stop Recoleta. The subway doesn’t go to Recoleta, so we needed a bus. The first step was getting something called a Guida “T.” We sat down with the guide and a map and couldn’t follow it. Next we bought a bigger map. Still not helpful. Jeff sensed my frustration and ran out to buy the one thing that always helps me in difficult situations….a yellow highlighter.
After highlighting all kinds of random streets, we figured out which bus we needed. At the bus stop we made sure to get in line behind someone that knew how to hail the bus (run out in street in front of bus and put hand up as if daring it to run you over.)
Getting on was challenging. They don’t really stop the bus, more of a momentary slow down. Jeff successfully paid our fare into the machine, I sat back for what should have been a nice 20 minute tour of the city by bus. I felt pretty darn proud. Sure Buenos Aires is a city of 13 million people, but we are seasoned travelers. We can go anywhere. Seconds later the driver told us to get off the bus. We were at the end of the line. We had gone 2 stops and were dumped off at a deserted stadium.
Jeff made sure no one was around when he pulled out our gigantic map. We didn’t want to look like tourists, especially not lost tourists. As we held the map up in front of our faces we heard, “hola, como estas.” coming from below. We looked down to find 8 men lying in the grass (naping? not sure) practically under our feet. They told us we were at a polo stadium, they were players, and that we should see them play on Saturday.
Turns out we were nowhere near Recoleta. We were instead near a neighborhood called Belgrano, which had cafes and dulce de leche cookies, so it all worked out. Tonight I plan to study that guida “T” and perhaps make it to Recoleta tomorrow.
Sheryl, you forgot to mention something most important about the polo players. The ladies in Real Housewives of NYC always talk about the HOT Argentinian polo players. SOOOOOO were these guys hot or not? Anxiously awaiting your revised post and perhaps a photo of them laying in the grass. 🙂
They were actually not that hot which makes me wonder if I misunderstood them. Perhaps they were the workers keeping the grass green on the polo field. Polo players should have had horses. There were no horses.