In Seattle we lived in the same apartment for 17 years.
In Argentina we will have lived in seven apartments in six months. Why so many? Location, security, bugs, mold, more bugs, more mold, and most important WIFI, or lack of WIFI.
Why furnished apartments, not hotels or hostels? We have lots of stuff, need lots of room and we like cooking. This is different than most travelers that go from hostel to hostel. It’s also different from expats who either buy a house, or rent one unfurnished apartment and stay there. We’re either super fussy, high maintenance travelers or expats with attention deficit disorder.
Here’s a rundown on all the places we’ve called home so far:
Buenos Aires – Apt #1
code name– Kobayashi’s place.
positive – well decorated, able to watch dog walkers from balcony. Super nice father/son owners. Father looks like Kobayashi in movie Usual Suspects.

negative – mildew smell in all the cabinets, drawers and closet. Small kitchen, or so we thought at the time. Now I think of that kitchen as a mansion kitchen.
highlight – making coffee for the first time in what I thought was a mini kitchen.
low point – every time I opened a drawer and almost passed out from the smell.
Cordoba – Apt #2
code name – Smelly Hell
positive – roof, 4 walls, internet
negative – smelled like inside of a raid can mixed with truck full of moth balls. Furniture must have come from a store called Grandma’s Moldy Basement
highlight – moving out
low point – moving in
Salta – Apt #3
code name – Home of the Trick Awning
positive – amazing deck with bbq grill and hot tub
negative – can’t use hot tub when you don’t have hot water (5 days) when it rains (every day) awnings fill with water, dumps on your head hours later when sitting near them having nice dinner. No screens on doors = bugs, lots of bugs.

highlight – making or first asado (Argentinian BBQ).
low point – the day I made Jeff kill Bruce, our loyal pet bug. We had tried to take him outside to freedom. But, like a dog, he always found his way back home. We missed him once he was dead.

La Serena – Apt #4
code name – House of Cinnamon Soft Soap Ants.
positive – overlooking the ocean, can hear the sound of waves from the apartment.
negative – studio apartment + Sheryl + Jeff + 5 pieces of luggage + bike = crowded, also ants, lots and lots of ants.
highlight – sitting on our balcony, drinking coffee and eating pancakes.
low point – ants invaded our bathroom. We read you can sprinkle cinnamon on them to get them to go away. Didn’t really work, but then we read you can use soft soap to get them to go away. That didn’t really work either. Our bathroom floor was full of soft soapy, cinnamon covered ants the entire time we were there.
Mendoza – apt # 5
code name = Dog Poop Palace
positive – super nice landlord, cute little dogs running around the yard.

negative – cute little dogs pooped on our door step every single morning., literally right outside our front door.
highlight – our landlord invited us to a family BBQ, so nice to be included in family get together.
low point – dog poop, every day, all day.
Mendoza – Apt #6
code name -The House of Near Misses
positive – everything brand new, great view of mountains, very close to hip restaurant street, rooftop BBQ.

negative – large security deposit, twin beds, and non-working internet
highlight – cooking a rooftop BBQ while sipping wine and gazing at the Andes
low point – almost getting mugged a block from our apartment. Elevator almost breaks with me in it. Next day sign goes up saying building not responsible for elevator accidents. Very nervous our large security deposit won’t get returned (it did).

Mendoza – Apt #7
Since we just moved in we don’t have a code name yet. So far it would be, “The internet works, it seems safe, no bugs or weird smells. Yippee!”
posivite – interenet works, secure, queen size bed, amazing rooftop terrace with a pool.

negative – none yet, but we’ve only been here two hours. I’m sure something will come up.
i think you’ve finally found your home away from home! sit by the pool and sip some wine!
Just put our toes in, a bit too cold. (it’s fall here) to swim, but never too cold for wine drinking.
This last place (#7) looks beautiful, at least the rooftop terrace does. It probably looks great at night as well. Enjoy and hope there are no more bugs.
The best thing just happened, I discovered this apartment building has a CLOTHES DRYER!!! It’s the first one I’ve seen since leaving Seattle. Instead of spending my day on the terrace I’m planning on going into the laundry room and just watching my clothes spin dry. 🙂
I love reading every one of your posts, but this one is one of the best!!
Thanks! It’s been 2 days now and still no code names. This apt might finally be the one to call home. Too bad we only have two more weeks of our trip. It only took me 5 1/2 months to settle in.
I can’t believe you have to come back in two weeks. It is amazing how different rooms can be even though they all look nice this amazing final place way more expensive or to add insult to injury did you have to pay about the same for the bugs and mold. Are you coming back to seattle or stopping in austin to visit Ajit?
Same price for bugs, mold and poop. But, it was high season before, so we just got the left overs. Now we have this great place because all the other tourists have left. I wish we were stopping in Austin on the way back, but not on this trip. We are going through Chicago and Charlotte to visit our family first though. Back in Seattle June 1. 🙂
S – I love your posts!! Crack me up 😀
We’re off to the Mediterranean on the 19th for 2 wks. Can’t wait to catch up. Ciao
Can’t wait to follow your adventures on your blog. The Mediterranean sounds heavenly! See you in June.
Hi Jeff & Sheryl,
Found this through Sheryl’s facebook — thanks for the quick reply to my friend request! Will you go back to the same apt in Seattle? What are your current e-mail addresses?! And any chance we can squeeze an hour in with you when you come through Chi-town?! I am willing to drive to meet you…
Dangit! You finally find (from my POV, based on pictures, ‘cuz I’m shallow?) the perfect place where I can come visit and have drinks and sun and you will be leaving there soon.
Obviously I need to start buying Mega Millions again so I can put you and Jeff on my payroll so I can come visit.
If that makes you shallow, then I’m way more shallow! That’s absolutely how I rate apartments. Only problem, the day we moved in, it became Fall. It’s in the low 50’s and cloudy now. It’s supposed to drop to 36 degrees tonight. Now I need an apt with a hot tub.