Wine tasting without Mr. Hugo

10 thoughts on “Wine tasting without Mr. Hugo

  1. I love your day of decadence!! Fantastic! That was hilarious – bike vs. taxi. I’m going to work later today so I’m especially envious – more than the usual amount.

    The organic farming that incorporates the lunar calendar is actually biodynamic farming. It was developed by Rodolf Steiner. It was gaining a lot of ground in AU when I lived there. I felt I really could taste a difference between regular organic and biodynamic. The biodynamic food tasted even better than regular organic. It’s more of a holistic approach to organic that looks at the farm in relationship to the earth and all the living beings on it.

    1. I had no idea there really is farming by lunar calendar. I thought it was a language misunderstanding. Their wine is quite good, maybe that’s why.

  2. Hi Sheryl, I was perusing through Digg & I came upon your blog. My boyfriend and I just moved to Mendoza and are living here until November. So first of all, I love your writing style and couldn’t be in more agreement with all of the things you’ve mentioned: Red Bus & the bus system, safety issues, etc. But second of all, we were at the wineries in Maipu the same day as you–perhaps at the same winery at the same time! I recognize some of the faces from your photos…I must say that although I loved Mr. Hugo and the bikes, there’s another reason you should be glad you didn’t bike–there’s some extreme construction going on and the ride was pretty rough at some parts…anyhow, I’ll be following your adventures. Here’s my blog if you’re interested on reading ab Mr. Hugo more (ha!)…

    1. Hi Carolyn, thanks so much for reading the blog. I just read your blog and I do remember seeing you and your boyfriend there. How funny. We saw that construction. There is no way I would have made it through that on a bike, or back of a tandem.

  3. Hi Sheryl and Jeff

    We’ve really been enjoying all your posts. Your wine commentary and photos always drive us to the wine cellar where Michelle and I enjoy wine along with you. (We can’t match the food however, but your descriptions let us imagine). Our favorite Mendoza is named Capataz. See you guys soon for my mom’s 95th B-day party. Stop in Dallas on your way home and we can tour the world via wine (ie in the wine cellar), and you can tell us stories of when you visited there!!


    1. Thanks for the wine tip. We haven’t been to Capataz yet. We’ll have to check it out. I hope they are open for tastings. Wine tasting while traveling is our new favorite past-time. It really is a fun way to see the world. We’d love to visit Dallas and taste some wines with you. Looking forward to seeing you in June.

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