Chile – Peanut butter, stop signs and cheek kisses

10 thoughts on “Chile – Peanut butter, stop signs and cheek kisses

  1. Is Jeff kissing the man in Chile funnier than him wearing a women’s skirt in Asia? Miss you guys!

    1. That’s a hard one. if I could get him to accidently cheek kiss a man while wearing a sarong I would have enough to laugh about for the rest of my life. If only I could have video taped the look on Claudio’s face.

  2. Your blogs are very informative. We enjoy reading each one and eagerly await the
    next one. Great pix and your wit is superb. You are a talented writer!
    Enjoy each day. R & G

  3. Another tour de force blog entry! I laughed out loud when I got to the mannequins. Mary Ann’s favorite was the cheek kissing. We both agree that the photos are spectacular! Keep up the excellent blogging!

  4. That brand of “Great Value” granola bars and peanut butter looks exactly like the house brand that WalMart carries! Also, I spotted Yerba Mate on the bottom shelf of Fresh Market. I never would have known what that was before your excellent experience in Argentina. It was very expensive–like $7 dollars for a small bag.
    Great blog!

    1. I wonder if it’s not the exact same stuff, all the labels are in English and the prices are as if it was imported. A can of diced tomatoes was $5. Not sure why I bought 3 cans instead of just chopping up fresh tomatoes. Habit I guess. My mate habit is going to get expensive in the US.

  5. The one off really killed me. Though, hard to beat the cheek kissing incident. Poor Jeff. It’s hard to keep up!

    1. It was the most decorated toilet I think I’ve ever seen, very impressive. It’s so much easier being a woman in a cheek kissing culture, I just kiss no matter what.

  6. I am an expat now living in Chile. If you are in the Villarrica area hit me up on email. The link on my name is to an article on how I offended several young Chilean women by not immediately kissing them. About the money, just double the primary part of the bill, so 10,000 becomes 10X2 and you will be close. My problem is I still feel like I am only spending 10 USD. So I really have to watch it.

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